Knowledge Unlocked Issue # 6.2024: Getting Better Sleep & Stress Reduction - Part 3

Published 27 days agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read

Knowledge Unlocked

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Issue # 6.2024

Getting Better Sleep & Stress Reduction - Part 3


In our continuing series of Getting Better Sleep & Reducing Stress, the focus in this third story is on lessons learned from Elissa Epel based on her book, β€œThe Stress Prescription: Seven Days to More Joy and Ease,” on transforming your relationship with stress and cultivating a life filled with more joy and ease.

Each day introduces practical, mindfulness-based exercises designed to reduce stress, enhance well-being, and foster a fulfilling life.

  • Day 1: Things Will Go Wrong... And That's All Right
  • Day 2: Control What You Can... And Put Down the Rest
  • Day 3: Be the Lion
  • Day 4: Train for Resilience
  • Day 5: Let Nature Do the Work
  • Day 6: Don't Just Relax... Restore.
  • Day 7: Start Full, End Full

βŒ› Quick Read

”When things go awry, we tend to react with a stress response. In Buddhism, this is thought of as the second arrow problem: Anytime something bad happens, it’s like we’re being hit by two arrows. The first arrow is the painful thing that happened; the second is our reaction to that bad thing. In other words, problems (the first arrow) are inevitable, but suffering (the second arrow) is optional.”​
-Elissa Epel

The Seven-Day Action Plan

  • Day 1: Things Will Go Wrong... And That's All Right - Emphasizes embracing uncertainty and openness. It involves recognizing that uncertainties and unexpected events are a part of life. The practice for the day is about relaxing into moments of uncertainty, releasing embodied stress through bodily awareness, and leaning back physically and mentally to welcome what comes with an open and receptive mindset.
  • Day 2: Control What You Can... And Put Down the Rest - Focuses on differentiating between what is within our control and what is not. This day is about learning to let go of the weight of things we cannot control and directing our energy towards what we can influence, fostering a sense of empowerment and reducing unnecessary stress.
  • Day 3: Be the Lion - This day is about cultivating courage and strength in the face of challenges, drawing from the metaphor of embodying the lion's spirit. It is about facing stressors with confidence and resilience, rather than avoiding them or responding with fear.
  • Day 4: Train for Resilience - Highlights the importance of building resilience to better handle stress. This involves practices that strengthen our ability to bounce back from adversity, including mindfulness, self-compassion, and positive relationships.
  • Day 5: Let Nature Do the Work - Encourages spending time in nature to recalibrate the nervous system and reduce stress. This day is about appreciating the healing power of the natural world and incorporating it into our daily lives for better mental and physical well-being.
  • Day 6: Don't Just Relax... Restore. - Distinguishes between simple relaxation and deeper restoration. This day's focus is on engaging in activities that not only relax the body and mind but also rejuvenate and restore our energy and spirit, such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga.
  • Day 7: Start Full, End Full - Concentrates on cultivating a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction throughout the day. It is about starting the day with intention and gratitude, engaging fully with our experiences, and ending the day reflecting on the positives, thus creating a cycle of continuous fulfillment.

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– Nick

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